Weekly Sketches 11

Original character this time.

Name's Renah. She's a shapeshifter from an ancient wood tribe. Despite her carefree demeanor she's a responsible tribe leader that can get pretty riled up under dangerous situations, fiercely loyal and honest. 



Weekly Sketches 9-10

Saw a post online about hexagon fusions, so I made a challenge with some friends. I was tasked with Marvin the Martian, Alien and a bat. Ended up with a nice result. I like this creative exercises so I might do more in the future.


Weekly Sketches 8

Skin tone and face exercise!

Been doing some research and managed to put this together in a couple of hours. I like how it turned out, though it is something I definitely need to practice and improve on. More to come!


Weekly Sketches 7

A cat with a hammer. 'Nough said!

One more and I'll be caught up till Sunday. Did a bit more solid colors this time, but I definetly need to improve on fur... maybe the next one will be a furry creature then.

Weekly Sketches 6

Tried something new this week in regards to coloring, and also in desperate need to practice humans. I did each color on it's own layer, and then worked on it separately. Spend around 5 hours on this, based on my character from the new Monster Hunter 4 using a Narajala Armor. I used the in game model as reference.  

More are coming the next couple of days. Catching up to the weeks I fell behind!

Weekly Sketches 2015

As a challenge for 2015, I have tasked myself to do at least 1 concept/sketch each week. I will be uploading them to this blog and, who knows, the best ones might end up in my gallery. 

Here are the first two weeks:

January week 1:


January Week 2:

little bear.jpg

This will also help me try different ways of illustrating and give me much needed practice.